Atlantis Development WebCMS

Atlantis Development's WebCMS platform is a proprietary web portal and content management engine used as a competitive advantage by our partners and portfolio companies.

The software engineers at Atlantis Development have been delivering database driven web systems since 1994, the dawn of the Internet. The web platforms and analysis systems we have developed are used by thousands of organizations all over the world ... Charter Communications, Microsoft, NATO, Cisco, Intel, Veterans Administration, Office of the President of the United States, and thousands more.

In 2009 we began development on a new generation web platform but decided to make this new platform available exclusively to our partners and portfolio companies.

This new web platform ... simply named Atlantis Development WebCMS is the culmination of our experience delivering web-based systems. We wanted a web content management system with the ease of use and features of Joomla, Wordpress, Symphony, and Drupal, but with better support for delivering dynamic database content and world class security. Integration with third party systems such as Google Analytics, Facebook, Dropbox, MSN, etc. needed to be built in and easy to implement.

WebCMS is now on its 8th major release.

  • Dynamic data centric content
  • ASP.Net platform
  • Clustered SQL Server database back-end
  • Built in dynamic firewall with country blocking, hacker profiling, and user routing
  • Multi-tenant and single corporate structures
  • Desktop & mobile support
  • Content and data sharing across multiple website portals
  • Data models for Users, Organizations, Customers, Roles, Devices, Networks, Locations, Buildings, user Relationships, etc
  • Macro processing system across all data objects
  • WCF and REST web services
  • HTML and PDF report generation
  • Integrated Video Training Course management
  • E-Mail and SMS engines
  • Very fast response times
  • Forms, Blogs, Forums, Event Calendars
        ... all major content delivery metaphors